Nicole Paulus

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Proof That Content Marketing Accountability Coaching Works (And Is Worth It)

Three months ago I reached out to Sophia on Earth, an intuition coach for female entrepreneurs, to see if she wanted to go on a journey with me — a Content Marketing Accountability Coaching journey if you will. 

I had previously attended one of Sophia’s free workshops on Zoom about masculine and feminine energies and really liked the way she delivered information and held space. I stalked her online and thought she had a lot of potential. Her website was crisp and professional and she seemed to understand the importance of branding and cohesiveness.

Why exactly did I reach out? To be honest, I wanted someone to be a guinea pig for my Content Marketing Accountability Coaching offering, to help me iron out the kinks and deliver feedback on my methods. Offering free services or discounted offerings in exchange for feedback and testimonials is a GREAT way to build your credibility when you are first starting out. It’s also a great way for you to test out new offerings with your target market and get a feel if they are actually helpful or not. 

Luckily, Sophia obliged. In our first session, I gave her an outline of how I thought the next months would go. By the end of our journey together, my goal was for her to have a solid content strategy in place as well as tools that would help her continue to show up consistently. A bonus would be if she was able to generate any leads through the work we did together. Guess what? She achieved ALL of that and more. What’s the “more” I am referring to? Well, you see, I have found that a lot of Conscious Business Owners struggle with imposter syndrome, and “being seen”. They think putting themselves out there is an egoic action, that wanting to “be seen” is somehow shameful. But here’s the deal, if you DON’T put yourself out there, you are doing a disservice to all the folks you could potentially be helping because they won’t know where to find you. 

With my Marketing Accountability Coaching Program, I hope to not only set you up with the technical content marketing skills needed to grow your business organically but also to help you overcome your own limiting beliefs about “being seen”.

After our final meeting, I asked Sophia the following questions about the program: 

  1. What is the biggest takeaway you received from having me as your Accountability Coach over the last 3 months? 

  2. What are some things that you accomplished in the past 3 months that you might not have accomplished otherwise? 

  3. Who do you think this coaching program would suit best? 

  4. How much do you think this 3-month coaching program is worth?

  5. Is there something else you wish this program offered? 

  6. What was your initial goal with this program? Did you achieve that goal? Or did that goal shift?

  7. Any other comments or feedback you'd like to add?

In addition to providing helpful feedback, Sophia also gave me some great advice: create a Digital Marketing Vault that contains templates for KPIs, content calendars, and branding in addition to recommendations of tools I recommend, and then give your clients access to the vault. I LOVED this idea and implemented it right away. 

All in all - I think the Marketing Accountability Coaching journey with Sophia on Earth was a mutually beneficial experiment. Sophia received a content marketing strategy, confidence to embark on her journey, and tools to help her succeed/ hold herself accountable moving forward. And I received valuable feedback, helpful suggestions, and the validation that my services are helpful and needed. WIN-WIN!

Learn more about the program here.

Want to learn how to amplify your impact with the help of ChatGPT and other AI tools? Book a one hour session with me where we will deep dive into your business and I’ll show you exactly how to create content effortlessly. More details can be found here.