Here's Why You Need KPIs In Your Life

Here's Why You Need KPIs In Your Life

little girl holding a pink guitar singing her heart out

Today’s blog is all about KPIs. 


KPIs or Key Performance Indicators

What are KPIs and why are they important?

Well, I’m glad you asked. KPIs can help you track how well your marketing efforts are performing. Without them, it’s kind of like throwing money and time down the drain. You wouldn’t want to do that, would you? 

Now I’m going to be honest. I’ve been in business for 10+ years and I haven’t done a very good job of updating my KPIs consistently for myself. But that’s all about to change. Today I am going to set up my spreadsheet and over the course of the months, start sharing the process with you all. Why? Because I want to start practicing what I preach. And also because I have been testing out a new beta coaching program where I act as an accountability coach for Conscious Business Owners. For three months, I help CBOs outline a content marketing strategy and then meet with them bi-monthly to see what progress they’ve made. One of the best ways to see if their content marketing efforts are actually working is if CBOs keep track of their KPIs.

Which is why I thought it’d be a great time to start implementing my own KPI tracking efforts.

Though I haven’t always done a good job of keeping my own KPIs in order, I do keep track of them on behalf of clients.

Not only does this help my clients see the value I am bringing them but it also allows us to make more informed decisions about where we spend time and effort in the business. It also helps me shape future content because I can see what kinds of topics are resonating with people, for example. 

Have I convinced you to set up your own KPIs, yet?

Maybe you’re wondering which KPIs you should be tracking…well, unfortunately, that answer will be unique to the individual depending on where you are currently spending your marketing efforts. If your business follows more of a content marketing approach, I would recommend tracking some or all of the following: 

  • Blog: # of monthly blog posts + # of views

  • Social media: # of <insert the social media channel or channels you use most here> posts, # of impressions or engagements, # of likes, kind of post (ex. poll, question, quote,)

  • Podcast: # of podcasts that went live, # of downloads (Apple), # of views on website,

  • Leads: # of organic leads (how many people contacted you ), how new clients are finding you, # of introductory calls, # of leads that came in from your lead magnet

KPI Spreadsheet Example

Now don’t think for one second that this KPI document has to be elaborate. It can literally be a text document to start out or a simple spreadsheet on Google Sheets. No one else even has to see the damn thing. The main point here is that you begin updating it once a month and then use the document to inform your decisions moving forward. There is also an added bonus that comes with establishing a KPI practice…you’ll start seeing that showing up consistently actually produces results. This is KEY to growing your business organically.

Ready to set up your own KPIs but not sure where to start? Reach out and let’s set up a 30-minute free discovery call where I’ll give you some pointers.

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